Changelog ========= 0.5 --- * No codebase changes, only testing/CI changes needed to support pytest 6. * We use Azure Pipelines now for CI, rather than Travis * Autouploads to PyPI are done via Azure Pipelines * We test on both pytest<6 and pytest>=6, due to the need to support both for now. 0.4 --- * Added license and contributing details * Added fixtures to enable sharing code across files * Numerous testing fixes/improvements 0.3 --- * Fixed pylint failures * Added testing of examples in documentation * Added proper tests * Fix bugs found via tests 0.2 --- * Add proper documentation of features * Display more MPI related information on test run * Add `mpi_skip` and `mpi_xfail` markers * Add `mpi_tmpdir` and `mpi_tmp_path` 0.1.1 ----- * Fix plugin as the pytest command line parsing logic needs to be outside main plugin class 0.1 --- Initial version